EPDA European Parkinson’s Disease Association
actor | EPDA is the only European Parkinson's umbrella organisation. Its objective is to connect Patients's associations and the Parkinson's community across Europe.
World Day of Parkinson's Disease (in French)
agenda | 04/06/2019 | Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie, Espace congrès, 30 avenue Corentin-Cariou - 75019 Paris. Free admission.
CNSA: Caisse nationale de solidarité pour l'autonomie (in french)
actor | The French government created the CNSA to apply its pro-aged and disabled people policy. CSNA's roles are to inform, support and facilate relationship between all actors of the sector.
handicap.fr (in French)
tech watch | Independent site vocated to inform sensibilize about handicap issues. Its second objective is to create a link between all actors of the domain.
Silver Eco (in French)
tech watch | Site dedicated to the silver economy; the french national portal of the silver economy provides a lot of pertinent informations about it.
Actualités & veille
What are factors related to the loss of autonomy of the elderly?
The loss of autonomy of seniors is often linked to multi-factorial reasons. Falls have, however, been identified as one of the main elements.
More generally, the decline in physical activity and the loss of social ties are two of the major factors related to the loss of autonomy.
What can be done to prolong his autonomy as long as possible?
Walk and go outside! Indeed, if physical activity is essential, so is social activity. Walking is probably the easiest and most effective way to get both. If you go shopping while walking, if you walk with your friends, you take care of yourself and increase your chances of staying independent all your life. Walking is a lifelong physical activity
Walk and go outside! Indeed, if physical activity is essential, so is social activity. Walking is probably the easiest and most effective way to get both. If you go shopping while walking, if you walk with your friends, you take care of yourself and increase your chances of staying independent all your life. Walking is a lifelong physical activity
What are the side effects of permanent sitting?
Staying in the seated position all the day can cause a number of unwanted side effects: increased deformities, pain, increased risk of bedsore, impaired digestion, alteration of breathing. Today they are fought by verticalization devices that simply allow the patient to stand up.
The psychological aspects are also important, one of the inaccessible dreams of people in wheelchairs is to simply stand up, to be able to talk to their interlocutors on an equal footing.